Pack Mentality: Day One Part one

Many moments passed as Rick was letting Jackson's answer sink in.  "Very well. We start your training First thing tomorrow morning.  Be prepared.  Wear Jeans and long sleeves Because we are going to be going into the woods.   You don't have too, but it is recommended."

Jackson answered, "Uh, it's October, and the temperature is going to be dropping."

At this, the two of them drove in silence.
The Next morning, Jackson was up at the crack of dawn and couldn't get any more sleep, so he got out of bed, took a shower, and changed.  He started reading one of the books that he had packed, went outside and started a fire in the fire pit that was outside of His mom and his cabin at the campground.  About an hour had passed and Rick stepped out of his cabin at the smell of the fire.  Rick asked him "What are you reading?"

"The Darkest Hour."

"Nice.   I have to take care of some things.  So, after you finish that chapter we are going to head out into the woods."

Jackson nodded.  Rick headed into the cabin and filled out some paperwork and came back outside after about 10 minutes.  Jackson looked up and said, "It's funny how sometimes when you read a book, and you find a character that you relate to and grow up with.  The character I relate to just became an apprentice."

Rick had his shotgun slung over his back and gave Jackson the choice of two weapons.  The first a shotgun and the second a bow and arrow.   Jackson  thought carefully and then said, "Shouldn't we both have bows since it's early in the morning?"

Rick smiled, "I think that is a good idea.  Nice thinking."

He went inside and grabbed his Bow, and brought out two quivers full of arrows.  Rick slung his quiver over his back like a backpack and told Jackson, "Yours only has one strap, so you should sling it over your back like a messenger bag." They hopped  on the ATVs and Rick told Jackson, "rule number one of going into the woods is checking the gas on your vehicle." Jackson glanced down and gave a thumbs up.  "Rule number 2 of heading into the woods is bringing an extra gallon of gas.  You grab a couple of bungee chords, and you set the gallon on the Back of your ATV, Then you use the bungee chords and strap the can to the back making sure that it doesn't spill when we are in there. like this"  Rick grabbed his bungee chords and set one down on the seat. He wrapped one end of the cord around one of the grates that were on the back of his ATV and then hooked it together.   He then wrapped the other end around the handle of the gas can and then did the same thing on the other side.  Jackson copied him, shortly after they headed out.

"We are first going to go to the Training hollow in Daniels territory." He shouted from his ATV as they were going.  "Follow me.  There may be other Beta's there so be careful.  Try not to piss off any of the mentors.  We are going to be doing some basic target practice, then going on a tour of the territories.  Halfway through we are going to have a lunch break, Although I think we will finish before lunch."

They drove through the woods, and after some time arrived at the training hollow.  Spike and Shaquille were there along with Raven and George.  Shaquille and Raven gave them a quick nod and then continued.  Raven got hit with a pretty solid blow before he returned to training and George said: "A good member always pays attention around him!"  Raven playfully cuffed him around the ear and they continued.

Rick told Jackson, "Our training today is going to be  a little bit different than that." As Jackson turned to face him.  "We are basically going to be doing some weapon training because another rule of going into the woods is to always be armed in some way.  Today we are going to be focusing on bow and arrow training. First off, there is a little knot in the string.  Do you see it?"  Jackson nodded "you put the arrow below that knot, and you use the knot to line up your shot.  Some bow and arrow sets have scopes, but this is what we have right now."  Jackson did as he was told, and Rick continued, "Since we are doing some target practice, and there are others around.  We have to call out, pulling back as you are pulling back, tense when you are aiming, and firing just before you let go of the string. Give it a try." 

Jackson loaded his first arrow and asked Rick, "Where am I aiming?"

"How about that first tree that is just at the edge of the clearing." 

"OK."  He lifted his arm that had a hand on the Bow, he then Called, "Pulling Back!"  Raven and George backed away and gave Jackson and Rick some space.  Shaquille and Spike did the same thing.  Jackson then called "Tense!" as he was aiming. Then, "Firing!"  As he let go of the string time slowed down, and much to Ricks surprise, The shot hit the tree dead in the middle and stuck.  After he let go of the string, training continued for the other 2 Betas. 

Jackson, noticing the surprise on Ricks face asked, "Where now?" as he loaded. 

Rick said How bout the second tree that is kind of smaller and is A couple feet farther away.  Jackson  lifted the Bow, Called "Pulling Back!", "Tense!", and "Firing!" and then split the next tree. 

Things continued like this for a couple of hours, emptying quiver after quiver, and then Rick said, "Well I think we know your weapon of choice now.  Nice Job! I personally prefer my shotgun, but you know."  The other two Betas and Mentors nodded their heads in agreement, also said nice job, and then goodbye.  Jackson and Rick mounted up on their ATVs and then went on a patrol of all the territories.  The Patrol of the territories was a loop around the far borders and a loop around the nearer borders to the lake.

While they were on a patrol of the nearer borders to the lake, Rick decided that it was time for Darlene and Jackson to move out of their Cabin, go home and then find a new place around the Park. This would benefit everyone and make it easier for Jackson to get back into school, except he would have to be homeschooled for this part of Jackson and Ricks relationship to work.  Rick thought that that should work because their training should only take part of the day.  After some time a noise started to rise up around where they were, interrupting Ricks thoughts.  He stopped and told Jackson to do the same.  Jackson looked confused for a second so Rick explained in a little more than a whisper, "another rule to keep in mind when you are in the woods on patrol is to always have your ears open because you never know what you encounter.  What do you hear?"

Jackson dismounted his ATV and stood still with his ears pricked up. "I hear an incredibly large amount of rustling coming from those bushes over there."  He pointed with his right hand,  away from the lake.  He and Rick both grabbed their bows ready for whatever came, and they snuck towards the noise,  and after some time they got closer and closer.  Rick knew where he was so he warned Jackson, "We need to tread lightly here.  This is one of the more active borders that you will see. Just over there, as I said earlier, is Daniels Territory.  Right now we are on Carlton's Territory.  I will talk about their history when we get back to the cabin.  Said briefly, these two are one of the strongest rivals in any of the complexes."

Jackson nodded and they continued on stalking the noises until they got close enough to see what was making the noise.  Rick had officially Identified the noises as wolfs.  At Ricks signal, He and Jackson had lowered their weapons.  The wolves started stalking towards the border.  Rick was very interested in what was going on, so they continued following the party of wolves.  Jackson whispered and asked Rick, "what are they doing?"

Rick answered whispering back, "I honestly have no idea.  That is why we are continuing to follow them."

After some time the group continued forward stalking towards and eventually crossing the border, then hiding.  Rick whispered to Jackson, "We should go. Nothing good is going to come from this. -"

Jackson interrupted, "I want to see what happens."

Rick warned him, "I have a bad feeling about this. We can stay, but first, we should at least block off the trails around here. It may get ugly if it is what I think it is."

"Good idea."

Several moments passed, and Jackson and Rick were riding their ATVs, blocking off the Loop Trail, because it was really close to what Rick could only assume was an Ambush.

Jackson and Rick then walked back to the site of the ambush and laid down in the Dirt to stay out of sight.

Then just out of the corner of his eye, Rick caught sight of a patrol that Included Daniel, Shaquille, Morgan, and Spike.  Rick then turned his head to look at Carlton's patrol, Daniels patrol was terribly outmatched.   Shaquille stopped, catching wind of something and then he turned his head to warn them.  Shortly after Spike Took off and Ran back to camp. Shortly after Daniel Stepped forward to take a closer look at the situation and called out, "I know you are there.  Come out and we will talk about this."  He paused for a moment and after a while. Shaquille, Morgan, and Stephan stepped in front of him and Stephan called out, "Defensive formation!" At this Shaquille, Morgan, and Stephan formed a Triangle with Daniel in the middle.  However, that didn't last long as Daniel stepped next to Stephan, making a circle.  Almost at once the ambush occurred.

After Carlton's Tribe initiated the contact, chaos unfolded.  The group was eventually completely buried in the Chaos.  Stephan and Daniel started tag teaming trying to defend each other, but they had A group of Three battling with them, and Morgan and Shaquille were also battling three, but after a time of holding their own, another group lunged forward from Carlton's tribe.  This one not as big.  This battle had turned on to a full-size raid.  Daniel and Stephan looked at each other and nodded at each other Daniel called out, "Let's just hold our ground and buy time.  The other patrol should come soon!"
Jackson jumped up at this and then Rick tackled him on the ground, and Said, as he was pinning Jackson down, "Are you crazy. Do you want to die because that is what would happen if you try to split them up?  We are supposed to just facilitate, not take sides!"

"Does facilitating mean watching them die!?"

"If it comes to a complete slaughter we interfere, but not when it comes to a blood bath.  That is one of the toughest things to learn in this job.  We can't protect everyone. The wolves govern themselves.  granted I think that this is uncalled for, but if one tribe does something wrong, The others call them out." They heard something coming from behind, and they spun around to see who it was, and it was Kylie who was joined by, Miles, Tyler, and Bristle.  "We heard the Chaos all the from our territory, what is going on?"

Jackson spoke, "Carlton, Sophie, Scott, Taylor, Mat, Carla, and Peter ambushed Daniel, Stephan, Morgan, and Spike.  It's getting ugly!"

"It looks like it.  I always new Carlton was not sane.  This is just crazy and completely uncalled for, especially when we are this close to moving around.  Miles and Tyler, you take the right flank.  Me and Bristle will take the Left. Let's go!" At that, Kylie's members took off into their positions.

Jackson and Rick were watching the chaos continue to unfold.  The odds were starting to move into Daniels court.  Carlton's first wave was beginning to run out of steam, but the reinforcements were continuing to come down on his side of the valley.  Finally, Kylie's tribe got involved in the battle.

Stephan saw Kylie and several of her members stalk down the valley, reaching Carlton's members.  She called out, "Attack! and the members of Cartons tribe were dragged off of the pile.  Everyone eventually paired off.  Daniel was attacking Mat when Scott jumped on him.  Everything from that point on slowed down.  Stephan called out, "Daniel!" and started streaking towards Where Daniel and Mat were battling.

Jackson, who was looking on jumped up and armed himself, and much to his surprise, Rick did the same.  Rick spoke, "Now we get involved."

Jackson rolled his eyes and out loud called out desperately, "where is the rest of the Pack!"


Next on Pack Mentality-

Just as Jackson started to aim and fire a warning shot at one of the trees on the opposite side of the clearing he saw Bramble standing next to Spike with a bunch of other members including Stephanie, Raven, Quint, George, Smokey, and Taylor among others.  Bramble signaled with his tail for everyone to halt, then called out "Let's go."  At this, the Tribe charged Forward.  Jackson let out a huge sigh of relief. He thought this battle should be over soon.


  • Thank you all For your support.  Please feel free to subscribe to this blog if you like the content.
  • I have had a busy week this week as some of you all may have noticed, think of this as a preview for what I hope that this summer will be like.
  • Thoughts and prayers going out to those affected in the attack in London earlier today.  Keep them in your thoughts as well.
  • Keep an eye out for maybe a couple more articles to be published this week.  

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