True Blue premier part 2

A few hours passed and Kevin hadn't arrived back home yet, so Karin, Kevin's mom, looked everywhere for him. Everywhere she could think of him going turned up as a dead end.  Because of this, She started to freak out a little bit, so she called 911 at 3:00 that day, and reported her son was missing.

A few hours after she called, she heard a knock on the door and it was the Police department.  Even though she was a mess, She offered them something to drink, and let them in.  The police said yes and sat down as she got them something to drink.

She entered back into the living room, As one of the officers spoke.  "My name is Officer James, and here with me is Officer Grigsby.  We got dispatched to your house because of a missing person report.  That person is your son, correct?"

Karin answered, "Yep."

"Ok, so when was the last time you saw him?"

"4 or 5 hours ago.  He was playing video games, and I told him to go outside and do something."

"You do realize that he could have found something to do right?"

"Yeah, but he is always back before dinner, and it is-," she looked down at her watch, "9:00.  We usually eat at 5."

"Where is dinner?"

"I haven't made it yet because I have been looking for Kevin since 4:00"

"What does he look like?" Officer James asked.

"5 - 11. Brown hair.  Hazelnut eyes."  She grabbed a picture and gave it to Officer James, and pointed to Kevin in the picture.  "There he is."

"Thank you for the Drinks.  We will let you know if we find anything out."

"That's it?" Karin asked.

"Yep.  Sorry, we can't do more right now.  Here is my card if you need anything."

Officer James and Officer Grigsby left and shut the door. Karin put her head in her hands and let out a silent prayer.


The next day Officer James and Officer Grigsby took a look at what they had on Kevin and his mother.  They found out that his mom was a single mother and did some research into what had caused her to become a single mom and found out that She had left her husband because he had drug issues.  They also found out that Kevin's grandpa lived in the area, so they stopped by the apartment complex that he lived in.  

They knocked on the door and Kevins Grandpa answered shortly after.  He said kindly, "Hello officers, What can I do you to help you today?"

"We got a phone call from your daughter, Karin yesterday because Kevin had been missing.  Have you heard or seen him anywhere?" 

Kevin's grandpa seemed troubled after they asked him that question.  He got his thoughts together "Why yes I did see him yesterday at around 12:00.  We talked for a little bit, but he seemed pretty in a hurry to get somewhere.  He headed back toward Wealthy street and headed Northeast on a new Bike route.  He was wearing and Orange T-shirt with athletic shorts.  Sorry I can't be that much more of a help."

"Thank you.  Every little bit of information helps."

The two officers looked at each other as if they had a breakthrough in the search.  They hopped in their vehicle and retraced his bike ride and asked the people that they saw if they had seen them, all the while noting all the security cameras that they had passed.  They then looked at the notes from Karin mainly for the date and time.  

Towards the end of the day, the officers headed back to the Police station and reviewed the traffic cams from the afternoon that he went missing.  While they were looking at the cameras, they were tracking his movements from what information that they had received.  Then on one of the camera's they saw Kevin stop for a second and look closely at one of the building.  He then Disappeared into that building.  They looked at each other for a moment, shocked that the building that he went into was open, as the camera was rolling.  

A short while of silence later they saw that he came out of that building.  Racing towards his bike, his hand over his shoulder, as if it were injured.  They zoomed in the cameras and realized that he was bleeding from that shoulder.  Then, they saw a bag get pulled over his head, and he dropped to the ground, Knocked out cold.  

They switched to the camera at the other side of the intersection and saw a car pull out from behind the building that he went into.  They switched back to the other camera, where they saw him enter the building and then come out. The camera caught a glimpse of the license plate, while the bike was still there.

Officer James called Karin and let her know their findings so far and they left the Police department.  

The following day, Officer James and Officer Grigsby went to the building that they saw Kevin enter and leave with backup.  The four officers and the sheriff entered the building, while a forensics team was waiting outside.  The group stalked carefully through it, Careful not to touch anything because it was a live crime scene.  

When they looked around inside, they saw a mess.  A lot of barrels were on the ground, along with Several bullets, and a bloodied piece of 2 by 4 with a rusty nail at one end of the board.  They sent the two officers that were at the back of the group back to waive in the forensics team.  

James, Grigsby and the Sherrif continued to walk inside the building examining everything carefully, having different scenarios running through their minds.  

Even though the building was dark still there was one area with lights on.  The group headed towards the light, a little bit faster now.  Then, the sheriff was the first to arrive at the area and much to his surprise, there was a set of images of one of the power facilities around the area, and upon further examination, they were a nuclear power plant.  

As the sheriff stepped in closer, he noticed something that he hadn't noticed before.  The room was Loaded with C4.  He called out to the people outside the room, "We need a bomb squad in here ASAP!"

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