Movie Review: Secret Life of Pets

Brief Summary 
The Producers of Despicable me decide to make a movie about what pets do when there owners are gone.  But with a curve ball, Max (Voiced by Louis CK), has to adjust to living with another mutt named Duke (Erick Stonestreet).  But, through a series of unfortunate  events they encounter lots of challenges to grow together.

The movie is rated PG for action and relatively rude humor.
Family Friendliness  (Letter Grade)
I give this movie an A+ because there is hardly anything inappropriate that is worth noting.  For more information on the film Click Here.  Even though they have some good points, I kind of disagree.

Recommended Age Group
6+.  There are some kind of scary scenes for very young kids, but other than that it is fine for pretty much everyone, but ultimately it is the parents decision.

I give this movie a 3.5 out of 5 stars because it is almost to tame for its rating which is not necessarily a bad thing.  That being said though, there are some extremely funny scenes in there that got me laughing to no end.  It also shows a family growing together which is also pretty neat

Movie Checklist
  • A Soda
  • Super Pretzel
  • Popcorn
  • a Box of Dibs...  :P 
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this article and stay tuned for more..  

~ if you do not know already, me and the Fam are going to Cleveland and Pittsburg in august.  If you are from those areas, and you read my blog regularly I would love to meet you.

~ I am trying to increase my social media presence as some of you may be able to tell so follow me on twitter and instagram

~ The blog is being improved upon with more posts

~ I am going to 3 different stadiums in the following weeks so stay tuned for those ballpark reviews

~Things are also going to be picking up a little bit in the coming weeks live video wise so follow me on twitter and Periscope to catch those.

~ I am going camping in the first weekend in september so it'll be quieter on those couple of days.

~School Starts soon so posts are going to be less frequent

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