3-5-7 Jason Bourne
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Jason Bourne is Back and I am super excited for this sequel, but that is beside the point. It is time for my first 3-5-7 of the summer, and what better way to kick it off than one of the more well known characters in live action movies, Jason Bourne. This movie is the 5th chapter in a movie franchise that deals with the life of a CIA agent who struggles to remember his Identity. You know the drill, so lets start with the three general things.
3 General Things I Would like to see in this Film
As several of you that read my 3-5-7 Articles know, I always start with three general things that I would like to see in the films that I do, and this article is no different. The three things I would like to see in this film include Living up to the hype, staying true to the franchise, and some really good camera work and editing to make the viewers feel what the characters are feeling.
The first of the three general things I would like to see is The film Living up to the Hype that seems to be surrounding this film. When I was doing some general research for this film I saw it on a list called the most anticipated movies of 2016. So I feel like this movie has a ton of potential when it comes to being great, but one thing that I have noticed when it comes to hyped up movies, is that they rarely live up to that hype. That got me thinking about how this one would rank on my top three general things I would love to see in this film, and honestly it is number 1.
The second of the three general things I would love to see in this film is the director staying true to the franchise. Even though I want there to be a deeper meaning in the film (See point number four under the next section of the article), I want the director to stay true to the franchise. The reason for this is that these films tend to be some of the most intense films I watch, not because of violence and gore, but because of the suspense. An example of this in a previous film in the series is when Jason is talking to this guy on the phone giving him directions on were to go, where all the while he is being chased around the terminal by a couple of bad guys, and Jason taking them out. It is sort of hard to explain without the film playing.
The third and final thing I would like to see in this film is the camera work playing a major part in how the viewer should feel in certain scenes. This for me is a big one because like I said in my previous article (3-5-7 Deepwater Horizon) Good camera work and editing make a good chance for awards, and when it is done right, it makes the audience connect with the characters. When looking at previous films, the use of the shaky cam was spectacular, but I feel like the camera people should use a little bit more rack focus (For those not in film, everything except the focal point of the shot is blurred) to create a little bit more clarity that was not in the previous films.
5 Specific things I would like to see in this Film (Spoilers possibly)
Along with the three general thing there are always more specific areas that are worth pointing out. For this film these include connecting to current events, Some sort of connection between Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne, A flashback to pre-identity, a deeper meaning, and a conclusion to the film franchise.
the first of the 5 specific things I would like to see is the film to connect to current events. According to some rumors going around, the film includes some shots of Greek riots going on. There are several reasons why I want to see this happen, but for me the main reason why I want to see connections is because the other movies in the franchise seemed to have several subtle connections to current events. An example of this would be the car bombing that happened in Britain that was being covered on the news in one of the films. This would also allow the viewers to connect to the characters in the film and bring them into the movie as well.
The second thing I would like to see is a connection between the main character of Bourne: Legacy and Jason Bourne. For me this is another big one because the previous film seemed to be just thrown in there for no reason. A couple of ways that this could be done is having Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne be the same person, and maybe having there paths cross in this film (Which Has not been hinted at all). When I think back to previous movies in the franchise, I believe that Aaron Cross could have been an alias for Jason Bourne. More specifically, I think back to a scene in the Bourne Identity where Jason was at his bank and shuffling through his passports and finding his gun, I think I remember seeing Aaron Cross on one of his passports. If this is true, That would mean that the Bourne Legacy left off at the beginning of an adventure in which Jason Bourne got shot by somebody and the boat got shipwrecked. But this is just speculation (and it could also be a major spoiler).
The third specific thing I would like to see in this film is a flashback to what happened in the hours prior to Jason Bourne being rescued by the sailors on the fishing vessel. Referring back to the previous point, the Bourne legacy ended on a boat with Aaron Cross talking to some woman while they were floating away. So that got me thinking about what this could mean for the franchise. But what does this have to do with this point? A way that I think that a flashback of this magnitude could take place is when Jason is on the phone with the CIA and they talk a little bit more about operation Treadstone, and they say something about some boat, kind of like what Happened in the Bourne Identity.
The Fourth specific thing I would like to see in this film a deeper theme, kind of like Mad Max: Fury Road. The theme that I would like to see in this maybe conclusion of the franchise is a major decision that Bourne has to make in which love concurs all fear. This would have a Spectre feel to it as well.
The fifth and final thing I would like to see is sadly, a conclusion to the film franchise. I know that some of you are like *Shocked Sigh* "how could he say that?" *End Shocked Sigh* But sometimes you just have to face the facts. Matt Damon is starting to get kind of old and I also believe that Five movies is when people (Mainly the directors) start to run out of Ideas for Jason to conquer. Heck that is even happening to me with these 3-5-7 Articles.
7 Characters I would like to see Developed (only three this time)
- Jason Bourne: I would like to see Jason Bourne Resolve the Blur that has been in his head for the past several films. All we know, along with what he knows, is that he was a High end CIA Operative. I also want to know what he did to piss off the CIA.
- Agent Collier: I feel like Agent Collier is going to end up being a major force in this film because I believe that he is going to be the one that does something to end the Franchise
- Nicky: I feel that Nicky is going to be one of the characters that is going to be developed a little bit more because she was also part of operation Treadstone, and she might have some of the answers that Jason is searching for.
Thank you for bearing with me and waiting for this Article. I hope you all enjoyed it and feel free to Follow this blog and comment your thoughts on what you think is going to happen in this film!! Stay tuned for my first Amusement Park Review: Cedar Point!
Information came from:
Matt Damon Google Search