Not this year

Up late tonight, as the move-in day at Warner just ended and orientation is just beginning.  The kids are up and been in school for almost a week now, all over the US.

The thought comes into my head, twisted as it may be: I wonder how many shootings will occur.  Disturbed, I turn my back on that thought tonight.   Not This Year.

Call me naive, or a careless optimist.  Keep dreaming they tell me.  In my head, not this year rings out, like a school bell.

I refuse to swallow this thought.  Not this year.  Not this year.  Not this year.

The process kicks on inside of my mind.  How can this happen?  First, the thought of teachers and peers being intentional in reaching out to those kids who are lonely, and in need of some love.  Instead of putting a fellow student down, the other students reaching out to them could make a difference.  Teachers, being approachable could also boost students confidence.  

 How?  How could this be?  Could it be so hard?  I refuse that thought. Not this year.  It starts in the household, Then flows out into the church, then to the schools.  Being intentional.  That is one of the cures to the school shooting epidemic.  

There are others, but that is the most significant.  Being intentional is one of the solutions.  

Join me in joining this movement #notthisyear.  You got it.  I will say that again #notthisyear.  Let's see if we can get that trending for a while.  You got it? #notthisyear.  Share your ideas on how to (outside of modifying the law) On what could be done.  Here are a couple of ideas:

  1. Hold the door for someone who seems to be having a tough day
  2. If you see a student (or peer) Seeming distraught be there, and do life with them.  (AKA LISTEN)
  3. Every now and then, if you see a peer sitting alone at the lunch table, Talk to your normal table and see if they want to move.  If they don't be a leader and do it yourself.
  4. Treat peers with respect.  It dosesn't matter if you don't like them, or if you think that they are just weird. Take some time.  Say hello, acknowledge them.  It could make their day. 
  5. Popular kids- it is on you to set the standards on how the school is run in the student body.  If you do any of these things, The other students in the school will notice, and then start to follow suit.  If you see one of your peers (not friends, Peers) getting picked on, step up and stand up for them.  It could make their day.  Your peers are part of your school, and it is up to you to set the standards of what is expected. 
  6. Parents - It is on you to set an example for your kids.  If you keep guns in the house, educate your kids if you think that they are old enough. I know that this is harder for some people to see that educating kids on guns of any kind could help limit the number of shootings, but it will.  If kids know how dangerous a gun is, they will not mess around with them.
  7. Teachers / Schools  Be intentional in doing what you can to ensure that your students feel safe.  If you see a kid getting picked on, step up, and let the students know that you are there with them.  Break up the situation.  If you see students, that seem upset.  Don't just standby.  Interact with them.  You never know what they may be going through.  
  Got it? #notthisyear.  Tweet it, Shout it, Post it on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit, etc.  If we get this trending around the US, maybe, just maybe it could become a reality.  Please join me, in standing against school/workplace/etc Shootings.  Not by promoting gun control, but by being intentional with your peers.

Let's make this wish a reality.

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