True Blue Season 2 Part 2

*Reader Discretion is advised*

"We will try our best" answered Tony.  "Anything else worth noting?"

"Well, I feel as though I am still just earning trust.  I have a feeling that I am still on the outside for some reason.  It's been too easy" answered Detective Ramirez.

"I understand.  Let me know first thing when you figure something out."

In order to keep things covert, Detective Ramirez left and then was followed shortly thereafter by Tony.  They both said goodbye into their respective Coms and split.

Ramirez was restless again that night.  He had finally met Kevin a couple of days ago, and the kid was a mess.  But he had to push that image out of his head and focus on the task at hand:  Earning Calvins trust was of highest priority.  He knew that he seemed to be in presently, but deep in his gut he felt that wasn't true.  But for right now, he had to wait, which was not his greatest strength.  He laid awake for a majority of the night, but then he drifted off.

The next morning, Ramerez woke up with a jolt.  It turns out Calvin had just threw cold water on him.  "Rise and Shine you crazy son of a bitch!  Today is a big day for all of us. "  James had a hard time reading the different fluctuations in Calvin's voice.  He could sense a little bit of cockiness, but he ignored it because that just seemed to be what made Calvin himself.  There also seemed to be a little bit of something else in his voice, but Rodrick could not put his finger on it.

James sat up slowly unsure of how to respond.  "What time is it?" He asked, not trying to hide his tiredness.

"9 o'clock.  You have one hour to get ready starting now."

At this James jumped out of bed and headed to the shower.  That took about 15 minutes, but on the way out james realized he left his towel in his room. Screw it he thought to himself, as he darted across his apartment naked.  He heard Calvin catcalling him in the background and he responded "You don't look so bad yourself", as he contiued on Calvin was hooting and hollering after that responcse.  He dried off, and got dressed in around a half hour, and grabbed a pop tart, and they were on their way.

They arrived at the warehouse about 20 minutes later, carefully making sure they were not followed.  They entered the warehouse and James said hello to the rest of the team who were gathered around the breakfast table.  He followed Calvin up the stairs to what he could only assume was Calvins office.

In his office, there was a map on a table that was toward the door, just like the one in the warehouse that he had heard about in his briefing in the helicopter on the way to the drop point where he had met Calvin.  On the west coast of the state there was something marked.  He made note of it, and much to his surprise James found out that Calvin was going to start to brief him.  From what James could tell tomorrow they were going to attempt to break into a nuclear facility and try and retreve some fuel rods and sell them on the black market.  Confused on what his role was James asked, and Calvin answered "you are going to facilitate the sale."

James mind was blown.  He had one of the most important roles in the whole hiest. After calvin had stopped talking for awhile Rodrick asked,"Is there anything else going on today?"  The curiousity was eating him alive.

"yep.  That's all for today."

At that, James left and headed back to his apartment.  Quickly he called Tony on com, and briefed him.  They met at the same spot as prior and they sat at oppisite tables.  "I know what is going down and when."

"OK Talk.  Where you followed at all?"

"Not that I know of.  It is confirmed that they are going after some fuel rods and selling them.  Not using them-"  His thoughts were interuppted as he looked up and saw Dwayne and Calvin walk into the door of the Hopcat Brewpub. He picked up where he left off  "selling them on the black market."  His voice had dropped down to a whisper.

"What's going on?" Asked Tony.

"Funny story,  Calvin and Dwayne just walked in the door."

"That's not funny at all." Replyied Tony.

"What now?" asked Detective Ramierez.

"Just wait and see what happens."

Tony and Ramierez sat queitly for what seemed like an eternity until Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Holy Shit." Whispered Tony.  "get down."

Instanly, the pub broke out into mass Chaos.  In the chaos, some woman went running for the door and Bam! Calvin shot her, and she dropped like a bag of potatoes.  Ramierez heard her squeal, and against Tony's wishes stood up, Tony jumped ontop of him and pinned him.  "If you want to do something.  We should do this my way."

Calvin called into the pub, "now everyone calm the fuck down. On your knees.  My friend Dwayne over here is going to pass around a bucket.  Put your devices in there and this will go smoothly.  Don't follow directions and you will end up like this lady over here."  He pointed his gun at her, and shot her again, this time on the thigh, severing the artery, and blood spilled all around her body, emptying it.

"are we clear.  Now could everyone pass me their wallets, and somebody please clean this up.   Also, I would like the money out of all the registers please."

Detective Ramierez whispered into his com because there was still noise filling the pub.  "I have had just about enough of this"  He threw Tony off of his body and stood up.  Tony followed.

"What is this we have here.  James, is that you?" asked calvin.  "Dwayne, could you please escort these two gentlemen to face me."

As Dwayne was walking towards the two of them Tony told Detective Ramierez, "Well I guess your cover is as good as blown right now."

"I guess so.  Still two lives are better than everyone in the US.  Together?"


As Tony and Detective Ramierez were getting escorted to face Calvin Tony counted down "3...2...1" and they both turned on Dwayne.  Ramierez landed a heavy right, and tony followedd quickly with a left.  Ramierez stuck his leg out and Dwayne tripped over.  Tony quickly jumped on top of him.  They had him pinned.  Making sure that Tony had him, Ramierez turned and headed after Calvin.  After he took a few steps toward him he glanced back, and saw that Tony was quickly getting overpowered by dwayne.  He turned back to face Calvin and told the bartender to call the police.  He ran towards Calvin and Gave him a heafty shove.  "You little piece of shit!  I should not have trusted you."  Calvin landed a blow of his own.

"Bring it!" Ramierez yelled as he flipped him off with both hands.

Ramierz made a fist and squared up.  He landed a heavy one two punch, and Calvin returned the favor, attempting to kick him.  Detective Ramierez blocked it, Grabbed Calvins ankle and flipped him.  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Dwayne with his hands around Tony's throat.  Reacting, Ramierez reached for his gun and shot Dwayne in the back without looking, crippling him.  Tony escaped, and called "Great shot!" And the Tony and Dwayne contiued wresteling on the floor, causeing the people around them to move away quickly, some of the men in the bar joining the fracus.  Detective Ramierez directed his attention back to Calvin pointing the gun at him.

Calvin then reached into his pocket and drew his own pistol again.  "If that is how it's gonna be,"  He said.  He fired his weapon, and it miraculosly missed Ramierz and hit one of the bartenders.  Ramierez returned fire multiple times, and then jumped the bar, using it as a fox hole.  Calvin shot back, and flipped a table.

Meanwhile, Tony was taking great care of his advantage over dwayne, when dwayne pulled out his knife, and Caught him on the arm.  Noticing, Tony pulled out his gun and shot Dwayne in the knee, exposing the kneecap, ending their fight.  He then turned his attention to Detective Ramierz who was currently engaged in a firefight with Calvin.  He joined Calvin behind the bar and called across the room to Calvin, as sirens were heard.  "Calvin.  The police are here, and you are down a man.  I highly reccomend you surreneder because if you don't, bad things could happen.  Calvin slowly turned around and pulled out his phone to make a call.  He noticed that a majority of the police force, plus swat were there in front of the pub.  He dropped his weapon and knelt down,  and put his hands behind his head.

Ramierez and Tony both pulled out there restraining devices, and arrested Calvin and Dwayne.  They walked them outside and took out their badges to show to police officers that were out there that they were on the police officers side.  Even though they were both battered and bruised, they walked out with confidence, and dropped both Calvin and Dwayne off with the Grand Rapids Police Department, and headed over to the warehouse where Kevin was being held.

Nothing could have prepared them for what they saw when they got there.  There were around 16 Veichles sitting out in the parking lot.  They turned and looked at eachother, wondering who else could have possibly been involved.  Detective Ramierz told Tony, "This just got really complicated."

"Yeah.  I agree.  We need to think of a plan and quick.  I'll call for back up.  We have to get that kid out, and fast." Tony replied.  "Who knows what will happen to him now."

  • I am approaching what was supposed to be the season 1 finale 
  • Wavelength is getting worked on
  • I am trying to find time to work on that major Warriors article I have been working on for the longest time.

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