Warriors Directors Manual (3-5-7 Special Edition)

For those who follow the Warriors Facebook page, they might have picked up the fact that a  movie company called Alibaba Pictures have decided to pursue make a movie based on the series.  So, me, being the movie person I am has decided to make my first directors manual for the series, and I hope that Alibaba Pictures takes the stuff that I am going to be talking about in this article and takes it to heart.  However, I am not an Expert on making movies and I trust that The compony that is pursuing this series knows what they are doing.  I am dividing this article into several different sections including but not limited to Divisions of the series, My dream Cast, and in general what I would do if I was directing.  There will also be a specific part of this article directed to rating this movie.

Table of contents

  1. Series overview
  2. General Notes to the director
  3. Divisions of the Series
  4. Possible Changes that the director would make 
  5. Ways of production
  6.  Cast of Characters
  7. Possible Screenplay (IF I was making the first movie)
  8. Possible Rating 
  9. Who should do the soundtrack

Series overview SOME SPOILERS

For those who are not familiar with the warriors book series, I am going to talk about it without giving away to much information on the series. in this section of this article (Sorry, I am a warriors buff).  The series Is based all around the life of a cat named Rusty who leaves the safety of his home to explore the outside world, and to be honest, he never comes back home.  The book series for me, even though its target Audience is kids, There is a lot of more adult content.  There are several battle scenes, Several deaths (Some of which are gory as F***), Several Kittings, and also several trying times for the clans.  But don't let this turn you off of the series because there are several good things like uniting for the better of everyone, Friendship and love conquer all, and Caring for each other, in times of need as exhibited in Fire and Ice  and forest of secrets.

Let me unpack some of these themes in more detail in the following paragraphs.  For right now I am going to start on the major negative areas that I mentioned first, and then from  there focus more on the positive themes in the series.  First off, There are battle scenes and some of the major charectors die.  To give an example of this in the book, in the first series there is a massive battle that takes place between riverclan warriors and Thunderclan warriors, And to make things worse, Redtail dies (and that is not the worst that the book has to offer).  So this movie/Book series is not the prettiest and most kid friendly.   The worst injury that someone gets and survives is Brightheart who had an eye clawed out because of a dog attack.  I will get more into detail on this later.

Let me now unpack the more positive Attributes that this series has to offer.  these include Uniting in times of trial, Friendship and love conquer all, and caring for your clanmates and/or Rival clans in times of trials.  To give a couple of examples from the series for uniting in times of trial would be When the clans Unite to battle Scrouge and his supporters in the Darkest Hour.  An example of Friendship and Love conquer all would be when Ravenpaw has to leave the clans to live with barley
(a cat who lives in a barn outside the clans) For his own safety because he saw what happened to redtail.

General notes to the company that is making the franchise 

  •  Don't Be afraid of the Warriors buffs (like me) being picky about the details
  • Try and take some of the stuff I am going to say in this article to heart and maybe even possibly do a couple of them
  • Be patient.  It takes awhile for a franchise to absolutely take off (but with this one, the book series Has sold over 30 million copies of the books (Stat taken from Variety article)
  • The first movie sets the tone for the overall series, so if it gets done well, it will Take off.
Divisions of the series 

Since there are over 24 books in the entire series that should be made into movies, there are several different ways you could divide the movie series.  Here are a few possible divisions (Movie times = Number of Pgs * 10 Seconds per page / 60) :

  1. One movie per book (Dosen't make any sense, but for a TV Series yeah)
    1. Apx 45 Mins 
  2. One movie per two books ( Makes some more sense, would be a short movie )
    1. Apx 98 Mins Per Movie
  3. One movie per three books (Makes the most sense for me, Great cliffhanger to get more people to come to the next movie, though kinda long)
    1. Apx 150 Mins Per movie
So lets look at the pros and cons of the most possible divisions.  These are options 2 and 3.  The first option is Making each series a trilogy of movies.  This would extend the franchise that Alibaba Pictures wants, but I honestly think that it would be to many movies, though it would cover all the details that are needed to make me happy.  The second option is having each movie be Half of the initial series that the movie would be taking place.  This one makes the most sense because it gives  a more franchisey number: 8.  When doing this, this would make the entire series 8 movies if the director wants it (aka if the first series goes well).   This would also give the director some wiggle room if he wants to make some decisions to make the movie apply to the audience that hasn't read the series.

Possible Changes the director could make and it wouldn't piss off the Fanbase

These movies are kind of difficult to predict because my predictions would be based on the book series, so I am going to look at some possible Things that the director would possibly change.  I am going to do this in a list form because it is kind of hard to do a paragraph of each change so I am going to be giving a one sentence Summary of why.

  • Tone down the blood: The series as a whole is kind of graphic.  In A dangerous path, Tigerclaw gets a bad cut that shows his internals.  
  • Make Longtail a villain: I honestly did not like Longtail at first, but then started to like him towards the end of the first series. Lets face it Longtail is kind of a sketchy character, but the director could grow his character into something completely different
  • They could make it without animation:  This would make the movie more popular, but honestly I think it would draw more older people

Ways of production 

There are a couple of ways a director would be able to attack this movie.  The first is CGI, and the second is Animation.  In this section I will be placing the possible ways of production against one another, Weighing the pros and cons against each other, and then talking about which way of making the film makes the most sense.

To start things off I am going to look at the possible CGI Way of making the movie.  Everyone knows that CGI is starting to become huge in the film industry.  To give a couple of examples Avatar, The new Jungle book, The new lion king that is being pursued, and of course TMNT (that was made by this company).  There are both challenges and rewards for pursuing this option and I will start with the challenges.  First off there is a ton of characters in this series, so they would have to use a lot of actors, Actresses, And extras to pursue this option.  The second negative thing that goes with CGI is the fact that I am not sure how they would make something with two legs into something with four legs.  Secondly there is also a ton of rewards for pursuing this option including, but not limited to The movie being incredibly realistic, and also more relatable to for those who are watching the movie.  With CGI there is always a plus of making the movie realistic.  Just imagine, the cats looking like actual cats, and the details are just incredible (award for special effects in the future).  The other positive thing that goes into this area is the fact that it makes the movie far more engaging for those who are watching the film.

The second of the options for the director to pursue is Just all out animation.  The thing with animation though is the fact that it takes a ton of time (trust me, I am subscribed to SSS Warrior Cats. been waiting 2 years and counting for the next episode to be released, but their videos are fantastic), and the movie is less realistic when it is finished, but It would cost less in the long term because you really don't have to pay ridiculous amounts of money on blue and Green screens, and the cast in general.  (But I really do not know a lot about animation and hiring voice actors). Again I am going to start with the negatives.  The first negative is the fact that it takes an incredible amount of time and if this is going to be an 8 movie series there would be at least 2 years between movies (see how to train your dragon - 5 yrs between movies), resulting in at least 16 years of waiting for the complete series to be in/at (insert how/where you get movies here).  Also The realisticness of the movie would decline when compared to  CGI.  If Alibaba Pictures decides to go this way, I feel like an anime feel to the movie would be a lot better than just a Disney style animation.

Now which of these do I believe would be the best for this movie series?  This is a really difficult question for me to answer because I do not have a lot of experience with animation.  So, I am going to go with my gut and say that CGI would be way better for this movie because even though it would cost a lot and have a large cast,  I believe that the ends would justify the means.  It would also bring my dreams that I have had about how the movies would go together to life when I was reading the series for the first time.  Also if it was done right I believe that This series could win a ton of oscars, including but not limited to Best Visual Effects, Best Actor, Best animated feature, And Best Writing Adapted Screen Play.  I also do not know what movies would be competing with this Series in the years that it comes out in the theaters because Alibaba has released a year for the first movie.

Dream cast

Since I picked A style of production, It is time for me to pick a dream cast.  For this area I am mainly going to focus on Thunderclan and Windclan.  Since this is so early, I am just taking guesses at who would be the best in the Given role. Asterisks means my favorite characters and the Actors I Believe would be great for the Role.

  • Bluestar- Angelina Jolie 
  • Redtail - N/A
  • Spottedleaf *- Jennifer Lawerence
  • Lionheart* - Dennis Haysbert
  • Tigerclaw - William Dafoe
  • Whitestorm- Tom Hardy 
  • Darkstripe -  Kiefer Sutherland 
  • Longtail*- Dylan O' Brien
  • Runningwind - Tyler Posey
  • WIllowpelt - Emma Stone
  • Mousefur- Scarlett Johanson 
  • Dustpaw*- Dartanian Sloan
  • Graypaw- Robert Daniel Sloan 
  • Ravenpaw- Dante Brown
  • Sandpaw-  Lauren Taylor
  • Firepaw* (AKA Rusty)- David Mazouz (Gotham)
  • Frostfur-  Jennifer Aniston
  • Brindleface- Melissa McCartney 
  • Speckletail- Dina Meyer
  • Halftail- Ethan Hawke 
  • Smallear - Bill Murry
  • Patchpelt- Tom Hanks 
  • One-eye - Gwyneth Paltrow 
  • Dappletail - Courtney Cox
  • Tallstar*- Morgan Freeman

I do know that this list is pretty much all stars, But this is a dream cast except, for the ones with the Asterisks, who I believe would be great for the Given Role.

Proposed screenplay 

This section will probably be the longest out of all of the sections that are going to be in this article, because of the amount of lines, camera angles, etc.  Just so people know this is going to be majorly based on the First couple of chapters of Into the Wild.

Scene 1 part one

Scene opens with a camera shot looking at the sky, (Rack focus on the moon). Cut. 

Different camera angle facing a river flowing quietly fumbling over a few rocks.  One can barely see a couple of shapes moving steathly across the rocks, Claws glittering giving what little is known about locations. cut. 

Camera angle (POV from Tigerclaws position, slightly in front of a line of cats) Almost at once Everyone lunges forward Yowls are heard. Tigerclaw charges at Oakheart. 

Main battle theme starts up.

Tigerclaw: (lips drawn back in a snarl) Oakheart! How dare you hunt in our Territory?  The sunning rocks belong to thunderclan! (Lands a blow on the right side of oak hearts face. Blood spatters over the camera)

Oakheart: (snarling back) After tonight Tigerclaw, This will just be another Riverclan Hunting Ground (Blow grazes over Tigerclaws Eye. More blood spatters on the camera). Cut. 

Different camera angle, This time from opposite the river

Voice: (startled coming from the left) More Riverclan cats Coming our way! Look out!

Camera zooms in on the river. More bodies are coming out of the water. Camera zooms Back out to the main camera angle

(The bodies hurl back into the battle) Camera moves smoothly towards the middle of the battle, blood is starting to show on the ground from the blows.  Then the camera turns towards Tigerclaw and Oakheart and stops perpindicular (More blood has been spattered on the camera from the movement around the clearing).

(at this time Tigerclaw is on top of Oakheart) Tigerclaw: (Lips drawn back showing teeth) You may swim like otters, but you and your warriors do not belong in this forest. Cut. 
the camera is focused on a different battle 

Mousefur: (calls) Help me some one.  (off camera tigerclaw starts to run towards Mousefur. Soon enough he bowls the enemy off of her)

Tigeclaw: Run mousefur!
Camera zooms in on mousefur Scrambleing to get up notices that she has a deep gash on her shoulder.
Split screen. (on the left Mousefur tenetivly test out her footing and taking off, on the right Tigerclaw  is battling with the warrior that was battling mousefur) Camera on the left cuts, Camera on the right slides over and zooms in more one the battle that Tigerclaw is envolved in.

(Tigerclaw spits with rage as he gets cut across the face.  Blood spatters over the camera again from the force of the blow) Camera goes Red. Cut. 

Different camera angle. Tigerclaw is in the center. (Blood drips slowly from the Gash.  Redtail runs next to Tigerclaw)

Redtail: Tigerclaw! (Tigerclaws ears perk up at the sound of his name) Camera switches to rack focus focusing on Tigerclaw and Redtails conversation. This is useless! there are to many Riverclan warriors!

Tigerclaw: No! Thunderclan will never be defeated! This is our territory! (Blood continues to escape from the gash on his nose.  He shakes his head, and blood spatters around. Redtail covers his eyes shaking his head)

Redtail: Thuderclan will honor your courage, Tigerclaw, but we cannot afford to lose anymore of our warriors.  Bluestar would never expect her warriors to fight against these odds we will have another chance to recover this land.  (Tigerclaw narrowed his eyes) (Yowling) Retreat Thunderclan! Retreat!

Cut.  The camera  pans around from the center (Oakheart and his warriors are on the sunning rocks celebrating there victory as the Camera pans Past) (The clearing Is bloodied from the battle) Battle theme stops Screen fades to black.
(End Scene)

Scene two part one

Scene opens with a long shot showing a cat sitting and staring at the heavens. 

 (Then another cat appears walking up to the cat dipping their head .)

Cut. Next shot is from behind the two cats, and moves smoothly around to the front 

Calming music begins 

Bluestar: (Disheartened) How is mousefur?

Spottedleaf: (Sits down next to Bluestar, tries to encourage her) Her wounds are deep, Bluestar but She is young, so she will heal quickly.

Bluestar: And the others?

Spottedleaf: They will also recover.

Camera zooms in on Bluestar

Bluestar: (Breaths a sigh of relief) We are lucky not to lost any of our Warriors this time.  You are a gifted Medicine cat Spottedleaf. (Spottedleaf blushes while Bluestar studies the sky).  I am deeply troubled by tonights loss.  Thunderclan has never been beaten in our territory since I took charge .  These are difficult times for us.  Spring is late, and there have been fewer kits.  Thunderclan needs more warriors if it is Camera starts to pan towards spottedleaf to survive.

Spottedleaf:  (calmly) But the year is only beginning.  There will be more kits when summer comes. Cut. 
Different camera angle from the front. 
 Bluestar: (Twitches) Perhaps. But training our young takes time, if Thunderclan is to defend its territory, it must have new warriors as soon as possible. 

Spottedleaf: Are you asking Starclan for answers?

Bluestar: (Seeming to cheer up) It is at times like these when we need the words of Warriors past to help us.  How about you?

Spottedleaf: Not for some moons Bluestar. (A breeze picks up)  Cut. 
Camera faces the sky 
Music starts to swell
The camera soon starts to zoom into the sky (A shooting star appears) Fades to black.

(We are above Thunderclans territory, A fire starts from Tallpines and starts too move towards the camp.  Then another flame encircles the camp seeming to protect it as the other fire starts to grow out of control.)

Camera fades back to the shot into the sky, then turns toward Spottedleaf 
(The breeze continues to ruffle Spottedleafs fur while Bluestars fur stays still) Music gets even bigger 

Spottedleaf: It was a message from Starclan.  (A distant look fills in her eyes) Fire alone can save our clan. 

Bluestar: (Taken aback) Fire? But fire is feared by all the clans!  How can it save us?

Spottedleaf: I do not know.  But this is the message Starclan has decided to share with me. Camera cuts.

Camera switches to POV from Bluestar Music builds Even More

Bluestar: You have never been wrong before, Spottedlear.  If starclan has spoken, then it must be so. Music Builds to a remarkable volume Fire will save our clan. Music Stops

Camera Zooms into Spottedleaf's eyes and then fades to black. Cut. 
(End Scene)

Scene 3 part one 
 Main theme of the movie starts playing 
Opening credits are scrolling at the center of the screen ending with the Title 

Camera is following Rusty on a hunt 

(Meanwhile, Rusty is hunting.  He spots a mouse and starts to stalk it.  He rears back, and slips on some leaves.  At this the mouse dives for cover and he continues to stalk it.  He picked it up with its claws and starts playing with it. Flinging it to and from suddenly Rusty hears a noise. His ears prick and he gives up on the hunt.)  Cut. 

Camera switches to a POV from Rusty's perspective Rusty wakes up from his sleep represented by his eyes blinking awake.)  Cut.

Camera switches to following him again. 
(He was curled in his bed inside his home. The moonlight was filling up his house and he realized he had been dreaming.  He had had that same dream three times within that month.  He wanders about the house and finds his food dish and eats.  He then slips outside the cat flap.  It was raining outside. (at this point the credits should stop.). He made dirt underneath a bush.  Afterwards he climbs the fence) Cut. 

Camera now faces his face. 

(He finds a spot on the fence and he looked in to the deep forest that panned out in front of him)

Human: Rusty! Rusty!!!

Camera pans to be behind him again 
(Rusty ignored the human and gazed back into the forest. He felt like someone was watching him.  He then jumped down from the fence and heard a voice.)

Smudge: Where are you off to Rusty? Camera Cuts.

Diffrent camera from below rusty looking up at the top of the fence

Rusty: Hello, Smudge.

Smudge: (Fearful) Your not going to go into the woods are you?

Rusty: (Nervous/Uncomfortably) Just for a look

Smudge: (Wrinkeling his nose) You wouldn't get me in there.  It's too dangerous.  Henry said he went into the woods once.  (Lifts his nose and points to where Henry Lived)

Rusty: (Laughing in shock) That fat old tabby never went into the woods. He's hardly been past his garden since his trip to the vet.  All he wants to do is eat and sleep. Camera cuts.

Different camera angle, This time from inside the woods Just barely at cat height

Smudge: (Defensively) No really he caught a robin!

Rusty: (teasingly) Well, if he did it was before the vet.  Now he complains (drawn out) about the birds because they disturb his sleep.

Smudge: (taken aback) Henry told me there are all sorts of dangerous animals out there.  Huge wildcats who eat Rabbits for breakfast and sharpen there claws on old bones.  
 Camera Slowly stalks towards the pair of cats staying out of sight 

Rusty: I'm only going for a short look.

Smudge: Well don't say (he jumps of the ledge that he was sitting on) I didn't warn you.

Camera cuts.

Different camera angle.  Faceing / following rusty. 
 (Rusty cleans himself nervously and walks deeper into the woods.)

(End scene)

Scene 4
POV From Rusty. 

(On the camera out of the corner of his eye, some movement.) Camera lowers.  He focuses on his paw . Paw moves he stalks through the woods. Music starts (First encounter) Camera Cuts. This time the camera is from a ways away panning around as if he is being followed.  From Graypaw's perspective.  He continues to stalk the mouse  then gets lower.) Camera pushes through the bushes at a fast pace. Last bush camera cuts and a smooth transition to an outside looking in.  (We see Graypaw charging towards Rusty on his blindside.  He throws him over to the side away from the mouse. Rusty struggles twisting and yowling. He then freezes, and flips over. )

Camera zooms in at a good pace
Graypaw:  (Wind knocked out of him) Huff!

Camera turns following Rusty
(Rusty turns tail and runs toward his house Graypaw pursues him.  He decides to rather than run, he turns and faces Graypaw.  They run charging at each other, and as if at once they leap at each other.  Camera slows down to 1/2 Speed Graypaw hooks out his paw and trips Rusty in mid air,  1/2 speed ends and Rusty falls awkwardly.  He puffs out his fur ready for a counter attack camera smoothly transitions over to be perpendicular to the two cats and Graypaw sits up and licks his paw.)

Graypaw: (Energetic) Well hi there kittypet! You put up quite a fight for a tame kitty!

Rusty: (Taken aback, and hostile) And I'll fight you again if I have too.

Music slows down

Graypaw: (Ignoring Rusty) I'm Graypaw by the way.   I am training to be a Thunderclan Warrior (Rusty looks confused.  He licks his chest)! What is a kittypet like you doing in the woods.  Don't you know its dangerous?

Rusty: (Teasingly) If you are the most dangourus thing the woods has to offer, I think I can handle it.
Music Stops 
Graypaw: (Eyes narrowed) Oh I'm far from the most dangerous.  If I were even half a warrior I would have given you some serious wounds. Music stops Anyway, I didn't think it was worth hurting you.  You are obviously not from one of the other clans.

Rusty: (Confused) Other clans?

Music contiues: First encounter II
Graypaw: (Impatiently hissing) You must have heard of the four clans that live in these parts.Camera Cuts. Different angle in front of Graypaw.  I belong to Thunderclan.  They consistently try and steal prey from us.  Its the job of the Thunderclan warriors to keep the other clans out.  (Bragging a little bit) When I am a warrior I will be so dangerous, I would have the other clans shaking in there flea bitten skins! (spits at this).

Camera cuts to show both of them 

(Rusty finally realizes that this must be one of the wild cats that Smudge was talking about.)

Rusty: So, you are not a warrior yet?

Graypaw: What do you think I was?  A warrior (Teasingly).  You wouldn't know the difference between a kit and an apprentice out here.  Out here its wild and its free unlike your comfortable Twoleg life.  I guess you'll never understand what its like to be wild and feel the way I do.   You weren't Born Wild. (Drawn out a little bit).

Rusty: That is not true! (Remembering his dream)

(Graypaw sniffs the air, while cleaning himself) Graypaw:  I smell cats from my clan. You should go. 

Rusty: (Looking around) But I don't smell anythi-

Graypaw: Go! 
End Scene

Scene 5
Music Starts (The first encounter III)
Camera rack focus on both Rusty and Graypaw 

Bluestar: (on the other side of Rusty and Graypaw) Whats going on here?

(Rusty turns around) Bluestar comes into focus we notice she has a massive scar on her shoulders, but she is still beautiful.

Graypaw: (Starts to crouch in respect to to his leader) Bluestar! (Crouches even lower when he notices another one) Lionheart comes out of rack focus 

Lionheart: (angrily) You shouldn't be so near Twolegplace, Graypaw! 

(Rusty copies Graypaw, and crouches to the ground. And twitches nervously) 

Bluestar: (Her blue eyes looks deep into Rusty) Who is this? (at this Rusty flinches)

Graypaw: He's no threat he's not another Clan Warrior, just a Twoleg pet. (Rusty Takes offense at this, under his breath).  This is Bluestar, she's the leader of my Clan, and Lionheart he is my mentor.  which means he's training me to become a warrior.

Lionheart: Thank you for the introduction, Graypaw.

Music Builds

Camera Cuts and resumes facing Bluestar

Bluestar: (Nods in Rusty's direction) You fight well for a Twoleg pet (Rusty and Graypaw look at each other, confused).  We have been watching you both.  (She nods in Graypaw's Direction) Graypaw, we wondered how you would deal with an intruder.  You attacked him bravely. (Graypaw felt proud of himself). Sit up now both of you!  (Graypaw stood up instantly and nods at Rusty, who hesitates) You too Kittypet (Rusty stands up). You reacted well to the attack, kittypet.  Graypaw is stronger than you yet you used used your wits to defend.  Also when you turned and ran, you thought about it, and turned around to face him.  I have not seen a pet do that.  (Rusty nods).  I have been wondering how you would perform out here, beyond the neighborhood.  We patrol this border frequently, so I have often seen you sitting on your boundary, staring out into the forest.  And now, at last you have dared to step out here.  (Pauses) You do seem to have a natural hunting ability. Sharp eyes.  You would have caught that mouse if you hadn't hesitated so long.

Camera pans around to face Rusty

Rusty: (Taken aback by this high praise)  Th- thanks.  Really?

Camera cuts to the original location to show all four cats. 

Lionheart: Bluestar, this is a Kittypet (Drawn out) He should not be hunting in Thunderclan territory. Send him home to his Twolegs.

Rusty: (Impatiently) Send me home? but I have only come to hunt for a mouse or two.  I'm sure there is enough to go--

Camera cuts and looks up at Bluestar

Bluestar: (Suddenly angry we see a fire in her eyes) There's never enough to go around. (she spits) If you didn't live such a soft, comfortable life, you would know that!  (Rusty shoots a glance at Graypaw and he was horrified.) Well! 

Camera has a smooth transition to an rack focus angle showing Bluestar and Rusty. 

Rusty: (Scared and frightend) I am not a threat to your clan...

Bluestar: (Still angry) You threaten our Clan when you take our food. You have plenty of food in your Twoleg nest already! Music Builds You come here to hunt only for sport, but we hunt to survive!   

Rusty: (Shyly) I had not thought of it that way before, I am sorry, I will not hunt here again.

Bluestar: (Starting to cool off)  You are an unusual kittypet, Rusty.

 (We see Lionheart and Bluestar exchange a glance)

Rusty: Is survival here really so hard?

Bluestar: Our territory covers only part of the forest.  We compete with other clans for what we have, and this year, late Newleaf means prey is scarce.

Rusty: Is the Clan really big? (Eyes wide with intrest)

Bluestar: Big enough, our territory can support us, but there is no prey left over.

Rusty: Are you all warriors then?

Rack focus shows Lionheart enter the picture

Lionheart: Some are warriors, some are too young or too old or too busy caring for kits to hunt. 

Rusty: (In awe, and feeling somewhat guilty) And you all live and share prey together? 

(Lionheart and Bluestar exchange another glance)

Bluestar: Perhaps you should find these things out for yourself. Would you like to join our clan? If you did you would train with Greypaw to become a clan warrior. 

Graypaw: But kitty pets can't be warriors, they don't have warrior blood!!

Bluestar: (Sighs) Warrior blood, too much of that has been spilled lately. music stops

Lionheart: Bluestar is only offering you training, young kit.  There is no guarantee you'll become a full warrior. In might prove too difficult for you.  After all, you are used to a comfortable life.

Rusty: (Stung) Then why offer me the chance!

Bluestar: You are right to question our motives young one.  The fact is Thunderclan needs more warriors. 

Lionheart: Understand that Bluestar does not make this offer lightly.  If you wish to train, we will take you into our clan.  You must live with us and respect our ways, or return to your Twoleg home and never come back.  You cannot live with a paw in each world. Come on Bluestar, lets not waste any more time here. We must be ready to patrol at moon high.  Tigerclaw would wonder what has become of us. 

Rusty: (Jumping in front of them as they started to leave) Wait! Can I think about your offer?

Bluestar: (Nodding) Lionheart will be here tomorrow at sunhigh.  Give him your answer then.

Camera cuts and fades to black 
End Scene

*Hunter, Erin. Into the Wild. New York, NY: Harpercollins, 2003. Print. Warriors.

Possible Rating, Explanation of my screenplay

This movie could be rated anywhere from PG to R.  This is because this movie (if the director/Screenwriter were to stay true to the book) is not just about tame kitties its about Kitties that are trying to survive throughout the years that the book series takes place.  As you could tell probably tell by the proposed screenplay for the parts of the prologue to early in chapter 2, If I was directing/ Writing the screenplay I would be pushing edge of PG 13 to R (As you could tell in the prologue).  In order to maintain a PG 13 rating however, the director/Writer would need to cut out some of the stuff that takes place in the battle scenes (But I would test my luck)

Also if you are a fan of the book series you also might Have realized that I cut out some stuff because that would make the movie way to long for my liking.  It would also (if I kept going on into Scene 6 and beyond) allow me to talk about the thoughts that he has in his head and then talking it out with Smudge.

Possible Composer for this movies soundtrack 

There are a couple of options for composers for the soundtrack of this film and I will explain the pros and cons of each, and then choose which one I would choose.  In this section I will also pick an artist Who I feel should do the main song for the end of the movie (Again if the producers decide to go that route).

When it comes to composers there are a few that I feel would be great for this movie.  They are listed below.

  1. John Paesano (Maze runner series, Marvels Daredevil)
  2. Henry Jackman (X-Men, Uncharted 4, Captain America: Civil War, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back, etc.)
 Now that my top five have been listed, Lets look at each individual Composers sound, and the pros and cons of each artist Starting with John Paesano.  John Paesano has just sprung on the scene in the past several years.  His sound for me is one of the best out of the list.  Not only does he know how to do a great job on the quiet stuff, but he knows how to balloon a and make some epic parts as well.  Though, he does not have the most impressive resume, the Few soundtracks he has have successfully given me chills at multiple points.  He also tells the story very well.

Henry Jackman is on the complete opposite side of the spectrum.  He has an impressive resume including, Several of the most epic soundtracks I have ever heard (X men - First Class is included).  He also has a variety of experience including Video games (Uncharted).  He also knows how to make things go to an even bigger Balloon in a matter of seconds on his soundtracks.  Even though I have not seen many of the movies that he has done, I can tell that he knows how to tell a story even better than most directors.

Now it is time for me to release which composer I think would do the best for this movie, and it is kind of a toss up.  We have two great composers listed with two really different styles and sound.  So for me, I have to look at who has some of the better credentials, and has done a bigger variety of movies, and That is henry Jackman.  He does a good job at maintaining the specific theme beats and rhythms through out the movie series that he does, and even more specifically throughout the movies.  He also knows how to change the themes throughout the movies depending on the scenario that the characters are at.  He also knows how to strategically place the quiet parts of the soundtrack to specific points in the movie.

Now lets look at the bigger question in the air: Which artist should do the theme for this series and that for me is another toss up between The Chainsmokers and Ellie Goulding.  But if the Director/Producer was to go this route, I would go with The Chainsmokers because there sound would flow real well with Henry Jackman's sound (which is some electric, and some instruments).

*Google Searches Composer name - Albums


In case you did not notice, I am really excited about this movie and I really hope that it would not be a flop.  That is why I wrote This article.  Granted, I do not think that Alibaba Pictures would take everything that I have said in this article and put it into action, but I hope that They would take some. If not, However , I do know that these are general predictions and I could have it completely wrong.



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