3-5-7 Deepwater Horizon

Disclaimer There are several controversies surrounding this movie and also the topics that are in the film have at least two sides. A movie poster For my first non-sequel Movie that is being featured in the 3-5-7 article series, I have decided to look at a movie that is based on a true story, Deepwater Horizon. This is also In honor of the lives lost 6 years ago Last week . For those of you who do not know what Deepwater Horizon was, I will unpack it a little bit before I go into a short summary and the predictions. Also I am not doing the character development part of this usual type article, Instead, a tribute to those who died. (The photos that are used are from the film) Deepwater Horizon was a Tragedy that occurred on April 20th 2010 of the coast of Louisiana. The tragedy Killed 11 and injured 17. It is still to this day the largest oil spill in history. On the coast of the gulf there was about 1,100 mi...