Pack Mentality: Season 2 Part 9

"I do not know.  I truly do not know."  Then an elongated silence followed ended by some rustling of the bushes by where they were.   Rick raced to the truck and grabbed his rifle and flashlight, and tossed Jackson's crossbow to him.  The two of them waited in anticipation for what was to come hoping that it was one of their wolves.  Then Ash came exploding through the bushes.

"Thank God!" Rick erupted as he put his rifle down lightly because it was still loaded.

"Don't let out a sigh of relief just yet." Ash panted, "Bramble and I might have found something, but we need to hurry.  We caught a strong scent, so whatever it was, may still be there.  Let's go!"

Rick set out four reflectors around the campsite, and jumped into the driver's seat, while Jackson went into the passenger seat. The group took off, Ash leading the way at a steady jog while Rick and Jackson kept a safe distance.  Rick had turned the police lights on to ensure that if people were out they would know that there was some activity going on.

Ash at the moment at least following a hiking trail, which helped Rick with navigating.  They stayed like this for around 20 minutes but then Ash took a turn off the trail and stopped.  Rick stopped the truck and then jumped out and approached him.

From what Jackson could tell,  it appeared that Rick was slightly disappointed.  Ash then turned to the right and started trotting.  As the group pressed on, Jackson then started to notice that a fairly large clearing was starting to form.  Then Jackson saw a small creek, and then a pond.  At this point, Ash stopped, and Rick jumped out and turned off the truck and the lights.  Rick then turned to Jackson On the far side of the pond,  a river started to develop.  Jackson assumed that this led back down towards Heart Lake.  In the woods, Jackson could hear birds calling, and even the occasional rustle in the brush.  The more Jackson and Rick stood there, the more life seemed to be present.  Eventually, a larger rustle filled the clearing.  Jackson shifted his gaze to see what was going on.


Bramble was in the center of the clearing.  He stuck his nose into the air and breathed in deeply.  The smell was not encouraging.  Then the Alpha of the group emerged.  he had a decent sized scar that started at his forehead and then ran down the bridge of his muzzle and then ended by his fairly large K9s.  He looked rather prideful, and not the most enthused about the new visitors.

At first glance of this alpha, Bramble was really pensive and fearful, and he braced himself fearing the worst.  Hoping that this Alpha would not attack.  

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