Pack Mentality: Season 2 Part 10

Bramble was in the center of the clearing.  He stuck his nose into the air and breathed in deeply.  The smell was not encouraging.  Then the Alpha of the group emerged.  he had a decent sized scar that started at his forehead and then ran down the bridge of his muzzle and then ended by his fairly large K9s.  He looked rather prideful, and not the most enthused about the new visitors.

At first glance of this alpha, Bramble was really pensive and fearful, and he braced himself fearing the worst.  Hoping that this Alpha would not attack.

Bramble Maintained the new alpha's gaze for a second,  and then Rick stepped between the two wolves.  "Now We are not here for a fight."

The new alpha stepped forward cautiously and then growled, "Then why are you here?"

"Just trying to figure out what has been happening over here.

"On what authority?" The scarred wolf growled, "This is not your territory."

Bramble felt his fur start to stand on end.  He turned to look at Jackson who was trembling and lowering his bow.  Once he put his bow on the ground he bent down to all fours.  Raising his head.

"The authority of the stars.  We had a vision.  We saw your lake, and also we saw your reflection.

"Under the authority of the stars you say?"  He scoffed, then added, "we went past that long ago."

Jackson at this point got off all fours and then looked up to the stars.  then a blue glow filled his eyes and then started to flow through his veins.

"So," Rick added, "We came to call you back."

"How.  Your little friend does not seem to be too you know cooperative."  Bramble picked up a sneer in his voice as he trotted past Rick.

Rick followed his gaze and then gasped in shock.  "No! You cannot do this! He is still young-"

"Yes, I can.  Because I embody the power of the stars."

How is this possible.  Bramble thought to himself.  No wolf has the power to do this.  Daniel was the last wolf to see something like this, and he died a few short months ago.  At this point in the transition, Jackson started to grow ears and a muzzle.  The Blue in Jackson's eyes started to turn to amber.  As Bramble was observing Jackson start to transition the eyes of the new alpha turned to a glaring red.  By the end of the transition, Jackson looked like a larger wolf.

Then-- Rick started to change.  The transition started with the eyes and then started to expand until he wound up with him being slightly bigger than Jackson, the eyes of his wolf-like form, slightly darker than Jacksons',  Seeming to show the relationship between the two.

The two of them trotted side by side, over to the scar-faced wolf and then, with a slight glint of pride the scared wolf said, "Welcome young Jackson.  Rick, do you promise to train Jackson in the ways of the wolf?"

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