I'm Still Alive ~News Update~

Hey all, just writing to let you know that I am still alive.  Some of you who I may be friends with may already know this, but I am moving.  This is not one of those "Oh let's move across town" moves either.

This is a real move.  My dad has taken a job in Central Florida at a college known as Warner University, and I am going to be attending there for college in the fall.  I am currently deciding what track I want to take there (major wise) also.

These things being said, there is a lot of stuff going on right now, along with the major flooding that we have had around where I live.

Since I am publishing a new article right now, it is safe to say that Tangent is going to be back on the map.  This time with a new goal in mind.  Write about what I care about and really not care about the response that the articles are going to get (That is what a blog is about right, sharing your thoughts, and stories that you have been working on).

True Blue is going to be returning after a month off next Monday.

The same goes for Swiftbreeze Analytics. I am trying to figure out what I am going to be looking at in further detail in the Warriors Series,  for the big idea that I have right now, I will probably be seeking help from Vidclan on Youtube.

Needless to say, the weekly Bible study that I initially planned to do has been canceled because I have come to realize that that would be better served on a live webcast.  Another cancellation that has occurred is the horror series that I briefly talked about earlier in the summer.

I want to thank you all for sticking with Tangent and I appreciate every single one of you returning readers, even though the blog may be a little bit sketchy at times.

Thanks again,

David, the sole administrator of Tangent.


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