Pack Mentality: Bramble and Jackson Part 1

Daniel and Taylor's conversation continued, "But one wolf is a part of it right?" Daniel questioned.
Taylor responded, "Yes. I think that I know which wolf it is."
"Let me take a guess, Bramble?"
"I believe so."
Stephanie entered the room in the den where Taylor and Daniel were talking. "Daniel, I think that you have someone here to visit you. How long will you be?"
Daniel responded, "Could you give us like 10 more minutes?"
Stephanie responded, "Ok. Let me know when you are ready." She then walked outside.
Daniel turned to Taylor, " So do you think that there is something different about him?"
Taylor answered, "There are a couple things about his personality that I have noticed throughout the last several months. Since he was born he has always been quick to change with the times. He adapts easily to several different situations. For example, he has matured quickly, but in the process, his leadership capabilities have increased. We should get some more insight into his mind, but it is kind of hard to do right now. We should call Stephan over later today to discuss his Beta. I will go get some rest. I've had a long night. Take care. "
Daniel called out to Stephanie telling her that he was ready for his next visitor. And Stephanie called out to Daniel and told him to come outside. Daniel did as he was asked and headed out of his den, still pondering his way throughout the conversation with Taylor, trying to figure out what had been going on in her vision the previous night. As he exited the den, much to his surprise, he saw Rick in the middle of his camp. Daniel told him, "Let's go for a walk outside of camp so we can talk in private. You can head outside of camp I have some things to attend to"
Rick in his deep voice responded, "Sure, that sounds like a good idea."
Daniel walked over towards the brilliant silver and white coat that belonged to Stephanie. He called out, "Stephanie!"
Stephanie turned around as she heard her name, "Yes Daniel?"
"Do you know where Stephan is? I want to try something."
Stephanie answered, "He is in his den. Do you want me to fetch him for you?"
Daniel answered, "Yes. Tell him to meet me outside of camp."
Stephanie turned and trotted over to Stephan's den. She disappeared for a second, and she and Stephan emerged from his den. They then trotted through camp and then went out the camp entry. Then they met with Daniel.
Daniel opened the conversation, "Stephan, is it ok if I put you, Bramble, and Stephanie in charge of the camp for a little while? I want to see how Bramble performs under pressure. Stephanie, could you keep an eye on him?"
Stephan looked at Daniel curiously and then nodded his agreement. Then he remembered that Bramble was on patrol. "Bramble is on patrol. Do you want me to send someone to fetch him?"
Daniel nodded, then Stephan answered "Ok. I hope you know what you are doing."
Daniel breathed in deeply, "Yes I do." At that the group split into their Separate duties, leaving Daniel and Rick alone. Daniel then resumed, "What is it that you want. I am guessing that it is something important given you came into my camp."
Rick spoke as they started to walk through the woods, " I actually have a few things that are needed to be talked about. The first of these regards taking on a Beta and the second of these is regarding the move around the lake. First of all, I need some advice. I just went on a sort of a date with Darlene, Jackson's mom. I am wondering when I take on my first Beta. Is it before or after the "first date".
"I think with the amount you have been with him without 'dating' counts as taking on a Beta, Have you asked him about it?"
"Not yet, but I am planning on doing that tomorrow."
"Very well, good luck with the that, now what was the other thing that you needed to talk to me about." Daniel glanced back towards the camp feeling, relatively nervous about what was happening in the camp given the fact that he had put Bramble, Stephan, and Stephanie in charge since he had left.
Rick answered, "the other thing that I wanted to mention is the vote that took place last week. I feel like the time has come to start the moving process. I feel like it would be a good to get Taylor, your medic to visit with the other medics and let them know. I feel like that should happen sooner rather than later also."
Daniel answered, "I'll send her tomorrow also. Visit with me after you have asked Jackson about being your Beta, I want to here how that goes."
Daniel and Rick parted ways after that conversation. Soon after Rick left, Daniel turned and headed back to camp
After Rick and Daniel had left the camp, leaving Stephan and Stephanie alone for a while, Daniel sent Spike and Shaquille to fetch Bramble and then take his place on the Patrol. When Spike and Shaquille Eventually reached the patrols last known location, they picked up an additional scent and heard a yelp followed by whining. It took them a while to recognize it, and it wasn't a good one either. Blood. Shaquille and Spike started to sprint, following the scent mixed with that of the patrol and it eventually led to Bramble standing over Morgan (who was on the ground) and anxiously talking to Skyler, and David. Shaquille and Spike Could scent the tension and fear in the air. They paused, and then eventually butted into the conversation. "What happened?"
Bramble answered, "We honestly don't know. She just stepped down around here and it tripped some line that wrapped around her leg, cutting down deep into her skin at least. We need Taylor as soon as possible."
Shaquille turned to Spike, "You heard him. Go get Taylor and tell her it is an emergency." Spike turned and darted off in the direction of the camp. "Now I guess we need to dislodge her leg first. Any ideas how?"
Bramble paused for a moment, then started to share some ideas. "How about trying to untie the string with our teeth?"
"Very well."
Bramble bent his head down grabbing hold of the knot, successfully pulling it away from Morgans Leg, but then he thought about something and started talking with his mouth full while Morgan was wailing in pain, "Could you try and track down some poppy seeds to numb the pain? If not, just try and give Morgan a stick for her to bite down on" Skyler went one direction looking for a poppy, while David went looking for a stick.
Skyler came back first with the poppy and fed them to Morgan. The wailing started to calm down, and Shaquille went to the other side of her body, given the fact that it was her back leg that was trapped. Bramble gave him a nod signaling him to pull. Shaquille and David, who had just returned with a stick each bit down lightly on a leg and pulled at the same time and the leg that was caught in the trap was dislodged resulting in the trap thing snapping shut at the speed of a cheetah. Bramble, luckily got his teeth out of the ring quick enough to avoid getting severely hurt. It took a couple of seconds for Bramble to get his bearings back.
Blood seemed to continue to flow out of the wound, staining the forest floor. Bramble spoke up, "Ok. We need to get some Cobwebs right now. Skyler, could you go and fetch several? Now we need to grab some Dock to wrap the leg and that stick that was brought to create a temporary splint. David could you get the Dock"
They both went their separate directions, and Taylor and Spike showed up. Taylor called "What do we have?"
Bramble spoke, "Morgan got her leg caught in a trap. We got her out, and we are working on some first aid right now."
Taylor responded, "What have you given her so far?"
"Poppy seeds for pain, and Cobwebs to stop the bleeding. David went to grab some Dock, and we are going to make a temporary splint for her to get to camp."
Taylor tilted her head to the side, shocked at how well the situation seemed to be handled. "Nice job. I will build the splint and we could help her get to camp for further treatment."
At this time, David came back with the stick and Taylor wrapped Morgans cut gently and used the rest of the cobwebs to help the splint stay in place. When they helped Morgan up, they did so very carefully. Bramble went to one side, and Spike went to the other to help walk her to camp. Taylor was in the back, and Shaquille was in front, in case there were any threats in the area. After a time, the party and Daniel arrived at the camp at around the same time. Daniel greeted them with a curt nod and then did a double take because Bramble was on Morgans side helping her to camp. Daniel told Bramble to meet him in his den after they walked Morgan to Taylor's den.
-February 23 is a day to keep an eye on the people around you because it is The End It Movements Human trafficking awareness day. If you want to support this cause you should draw a red X on your hand. It is an awesome cause.
- I am working on the first 3-5-7 Article in a long time. The movie is Power Rangers. Stay tuned for more info.
- *Big news* have you ever wanted to have your stuff featured in a blog? I am going to start accepting submissions for a spring - summer series. In order to participate in this contest, you need to send me the first part of the series. The series is going to be bi-weekly for publishing. I am looking for a series that is very engaging to many people. My editor and I are going to be reading over the submissions, and we will get back to you after we read your submissions. I am going to be needing to receive any submissions by March 10. The cut off time is going to be at 11:30 Central. Doing this series is going to be volunteer work so there will be no money involved. In order to send me the submissions, you will need to send an email through the contact form and will reply shortly.
Bramble answered, "We honestly don't know. She just stepped down around here and it tripped some line that wrapped around her leg, cutting down deep into her skin at least. We need Taylor as soon as possible."
Shaquille turned to Spike, "You heard him. Go get Taylor and tell her it is an emergency." Spike turned and darted off in the direction of the camp. "Now I guess we need to dislodge her leg first. Any ideas how?"
Bramble paused for a moment, then started to share some ideas. "How about trying to untie the string with our teeth?"
"Very well."
Bramble bent his head down grabbing hold of the knot, successfully pulling it away from Morgans Leg, but then he thought about something and started talking with his mouth full while Morgan was wailing in pain, "Could you try and track down some poppy seeds to numb the pain? If not, just try and give Morgan a stick for her to bite down on" Skyler went one direction looking for a poppy, while David went looking for a stick.
Skyler came back first with the poppy and fed them to Morgan. The wailing started to calm down, and Shaquille went to the other side of her body, given the fact that it was her back leg that was trapped. Bramble gave him a nod signaling him to pull. Shaquille and David, who had just returned with a stick each bit down lightly on a leg and pulled at the same time and the leg that was caught in the trap was dislodged resulting in the trap thing snapping shut at the speed of a cheetah. Bramble, luckily got his teeth out of the ring quick enough to avoid getting severely hurt. It took a couple of seconds for Bramble to get his bearings back.
Blood seemed to continue to flow out of the wound, staining the forest floor. Bramble spoke up, "Ok. We need to get some Cobwebs right now. Skyler, could you go and fetch several? Now we need to grab some Dock to wrap the leg and that stick that was brought to create a temporary splint. David could you get the Dock"
They both went their separate directions, and Taylor and Spike showed up. Taylor called "What do we have?"
Bramble spoke, "Morgan got her leg caught in a trap. We got her out, and we are working on some first aid right now."
Taylor responded, "What have you given her so far?"
"Poppy seeds for pain, and Cobwebs to stop the bleeding. David went to grab some Dock, and we are going to make a temporary splint for her to get to camp."
Taylor tilted her head to the side, shocked at how well the situation seemed to be handled. "Nice job. I will build the splint and we could help her get to camp for further treatment."
At this time, David came back with the stick and Taylor wrapped Morgans cut gently and used the rest of the cobwebs to help the splint stay in place. When they helped Morgan up, they did so very carefully. Bramble went to one side, and Spike went to the other to help walk her to camp. Taylor was in the back, and Shaquille was in front, in case there were any threats in the area. After a time, the party and Daniel arrived at the camp at around the same time. Daniel greeted them with a curt nod and then did a double take because Bramble was on Morgans side helping her to camp. Daniel told Bramble to meet him in his den after they walked Morgan to Taylor's den.
-February 23 is a day to keep an eye on the people around you because it is The End It Movements Human trafficking awareness day. If you want to support this cause you should draw a red X on your hand. It is an awesome cause.
- I am working on the first 3-5-7 Article in a long time. The movie is Power Rangers. Stay tuned for more info.
- *Big news* have you ever wanted to have your stuff featured in a blog? I am going to start accepting submissions for a spring - summer series. In order to participate in this contest, you need to send me the first part of the series. The series is going to be bi-weekly for publishing. I am looking for a series that is very engaging to many people. My editor and I are going to be reading over the submissions, and we will get back to you after we read your submissions. I am going to be needing to receive any submissions by March 10. The cut off time is going to be at 11:30 Central. Doing this series is going to be volunteer work so there will be no money involved. In order to send me the submissions, you will need to send an email through the contact form and will reply shortly.