Album Review: Therapy Session

Album Cover NF is a kind of new Christian Rapper who has three albums out including his first Album NF and Mansion. He is incredibly blunt in his music and his sound is incredibly different then all the other Christian Rappers as well. For Fans Of... Lecrae KB Andy Mineo Eminem Review This album is really unique in a couple of ways. It sounds it way different than any other Christian record I have heard. I also love the fact that he is legit and he is not here to mess around (in How could you leave us he is like shouting into the mic and CRYING) . I have picked this up and this is my first time listening to his music. He also has figured out his sound which is another big thing that I focus on. The Passion is also there which is another great thing to have when doing music. Overall I give NF a Complete 7 out of 5 stars on this album (2 points extra Credit)! Keep doing what your doing (if NF is reading this article)! My Fa...