Park Review - Six Flags Great America

For the first Time in a couple of years, I got a season pass to the Six Flags Park within seven minutes of my house, so if you do read this blog and would like to meet me, that is a place I would recommend going to. 

Easy to get to (0-3) 
Six Flags Great America is way easier to get to than Cedar Point, plus it runs alongside I 94, and the exit is the first exit for Gurnee and follow the signs. I give Six Flags Great America a 4 because it is clearly marked as well (Extra Credit)

Parking (0-5) 
Parking at Six Flags Great America/Hurricane Harbor is really expensive.  25 Bucks to be exact, but if you have a gold Season pass (or are with someone with that type of pass) it is free.  Still though, I give this area a 3 because it is way to expensive.

Nightlife (0-5) 
The Nightlife at Six Flags is OK.  There is nothing really spectacular at this park.  There used to be an amazing nighttime show, but they got rid off it.  I give this area a 2.

Food (0-5) 
The food at this park is great.  The only real chain that they have at the park is Coldstone Creamery. There is also a variety of choices here so I give this area a 5.  

Family Friendliness  (0-5
Six Flags Great America has a ton of family rides along with 3 different kids areas.  Also, unlike Cedar Point they actually put the non smoking policy in action, and there are several areas scattered around the park that allow smoking.  Because of this I give this area a 5.

Atmosphere (0-10)
The Atmosphere at this park is fairly good.  The people here are really nice.  There have been a couple of times where me and my Girlfriend have been in line just hanging out and talking to strangers.  Also the employees are relatively positive so that makes the atmosphere that much more positive.  I give this area a 9.5 because the security guards at the front sometimes seem bored.

Theming (0-10)
The theming at Six Flags is good not Great.  It was great until they threw Justice League: Battle for Metropolis in Southwest territory where there are no rides that have a superhero theme, unless they throw a curve ball into the mix next year.  I give the theming here a 7 though because the rest of the park is really constant.

Easy to get around (0-10)
This park is really a big circle except a jut out for the Southwest territory so it is really easy to get around the park, and the rides are also in close proximity to each other. I give this area a 9 just because of the seemingly random placement of Southwest Territory.

Family Rides and Kids Rides (0-10)
 Six Flags Great America has 3 or 4 separate kids areas all with family based rides along with 2 flumes and 1 rapids ride and that is not counting the family rides scattered throughout the park.  There is so many rides its hard to keep count so I give this area a 10.

 Thrill Rides (0-15) 
Six flags also has quite a few thrill rides ranging from the sky swing to a top spin style ride, but it is only 6 actual thrill flat rides without the rumors swirling around about what we are going to be getting next.  So I give this area a 7.

Cleanliness (0-15)

Six Flags Great America, even though it brags to be the cleanest theme park in the world,  It is not really that clean.  There are old pieces of gum that are on the ground, and all over the park.  The bathrooms, however, are some of the cleanest in the business.  So for that reason I give the park a 8.

Rollercoasters (0-20) 
Finally the main reason why people go to amusement parks, the rollercoasters.  Six Flags Great America has 11 rollercoasters ranging from a Flying coaster two one of the worlds first  Hyper-Twisters.  The coasters here are great but not spectacular.  The only three worth noting are at the end of the article.  because of these reasons I give the coasters here a 16 because a majority of them are smooth, But there are no coasters that are absolutely spectacular.

Overall Experience 
The point total for cedar point is a 101.5 out of 113 which is a B+.  The main reason why I give this theme park a B+ is because the nightlife is like non existent, but Six Flags Great America can improve this in a couple of ways including making a better closing event, and maybe bringing out some stage type lights and aiming them on the midway set to blend between colors (sort of like Cedar Fair).  Some other ways for Six Flags Great America to improve its score is (Without any Bias) add some more thrill rides and UNIQUE roller coasters to the park.  What I mean By unique Rollercoasters is having them have unique elements like Goliath's Zero-G Stall.  

My top three roller coasters  
  1. Goliath Recommended spot - Back row  
  2. Raging Bull Recommended Spot - Front Row (especially in the rain)
  3. X Flight Recommended Spot - Left wing / middle 

~ I hope you all enjoyed this article.  Please feel free to comment and follow this blog.  Like it on Facebook, and follow me on twitter for behind the article updates among other things.

~ Just so everybody knows, I will be at lifest for the full event so if you are going I would love to meet you!

~ Also, me and the family are going to Cleveland and Pittsburgh in the first week of August I would love to meet you there if you are a fan!

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