Baseball PSA
Note: This week I was considering working on my next Warriors article (which is in progress), but then an event that kind of shook me up a little bit occurred, So I am going to take this time to write down my thoughts on the matter, and hopefully make a difference. Those of you who watch the news, and are involved in any sort of media outlet have heard about the little girl who got drilled with a Todd Frazier foul ball, resulting in her getting rushed to the hospital to undergo some repairs and many other things. The good news is that she is kind of ok. The last I have heard is that she is in stable-ish condition. For those of you who have followed this blog in the last couple of years know that I have been around Baseball for like my entire life. In this article, I am sharing my thoughts on fan safety, along with a couple general rules of thumb that I feel would prevent injuries, and help people fully enjoy a day at the ballpark. In case you didn't hear a...