
Showing posts from June, 2017

Tangent News Update

Hey all, I just wanted to let you know that I am going to be taking some time off of this blog for at least the next three weeks.  I have a lot of stuff going on right now, and this is just another thing that is adding to the stress. In these few weeks off I am going to be doing a lot of meditation, and removing myself from the virtual world.   Series wise, True Blue is going to be coming back, but after a few weeks off.  The horror series got canceled, City focus is also going to be coming back at the end of this time period. I just thought I should update you all.  Thank you for your patience, and I hope you all will stick with Tangent for all your reading needs.  

True Blue Premier part 3

Graphic content warning A crowd had gathered outside of the empty warehouse because of the amount of police presence on the block.  More and more people started to show up until a siren was heard.  The crowds looked around because the siren did not sound like anything that they had heard before.    About five minutes had passed and the people that were looking around, trying to find the source of the siren,   began to see what it was on the side of the vehicle.  On the door, in fluorescent outlined letters, and black fill within the letters read "Bomb Squad."   The police that were on site slowly began to shoo people away from the warehouse.  More police were called to set up a three-block perimeter around the warehouse.  The peanut gallery began to stress out and started stampeding away from the Building.   Inside, Officer James, Grigsby, and the sheriff were examining the wiring up close and personally.  The ...