I Pray

My Lord,

I decided to write you a letter.   I want to thank you for everything that you have helped me through.  God, I just thought that in this letter I should write about what the future holds.  I know you are in control.  I know that now.  I got the breath of life that I was needing earlier.  I very much appreciate it.  I now think I know what I am to do.

A friend once told me when I was going through a period of doubting my faith, and not sure about what I was to do "That sometimes the best place for you to be is where you are right now. So just embrace the hand that you have, and do what you can with it."

I know that some of you all may find it funny, how I am using a card game for A reference (or illustration).  But just bear with me, I will get there.

My cards are as follows: I have a job at a fantastic place to work for the summer, I am going to school to get a degree, I even have this blog that I do on the side.  But for me to use these cards I need to look closely at what is involved in those cards mainly the summer job.

In the card that has the job, I am working with people, and helping them out in whatever way possible.  So, I pray that You will give me opportunities to share Your love with those who come to work, and those who I work with now and again, and that if the opportunity arises to share my faith, I pray that you would give me the words to say, and With the opportunities to show love, I pray that you would give me the strength to approach and Be there With those who need support.  I do not care if that person is a kid, or an adult, or heck one of my co-workers.  However, with that job, there comes stuff that needs to be done.  I pray that you will give me the piece of mind for me to be mindful of the work that is actually part of the job.

In the card that deals with school, I pray that you will help me be able to stay focused, and not get caught up in what is going on around me and that you will help me do all the work that is needed to be done for school on time, and well.  Whether that means working in the library every now and again, or if it means turning off the music, and all the bells and whistles that I have in my life right now.  I again pray that You will help me meet people where they are and help them with whatever is needed.  I also again pray for opportunities to share my faith, and if that opportunity comes, I pray that you again would give me the words to say.

In the card that holds the blog, I pray that You will help me post what is needed to be posted, I pray that You will help me focus on you in every post I post and that you will help me stay humble.  I also pray for Time management, because I will be working a job and an internship at the same time.  I pray that I will be able to keep up with a schedule as the summer goes along.

I again stand in awe of everything you have done, and I thank you for that.  I thank you for answering all my prayers that I have posted on this blog.  I pray that you will help me be me with no matter what external pressures and enemy forces that surround me.  I pray that you will help me dedicate this summer to expanding your kingdom in ways that only you can do.

Thank you, God, for everything you have done.


Romans 1:16

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