Untitled Post (In Memoriam)
Just getting today down on a piece of paper Today has been one of those days that will go down in sports history. (Though not one that is the worst). Today their have been two fatalities from the sports industry. The first of these Was Jose Fernandez and the second of these was the king of Golf: Arnold Palmer. Waking up this morning to find out that a pitcher from the Miami Marlins (though I am not a fan) had died far two soon (hell, he was 4 years older than me), was a shock to say the least. The Cause of death; A boating accident. It was not until I watched the special on Fernandez that Baseball has lost someone that made a great impact on the game. Mr. Fernandez though I have never met him, seemed like a guy that a franchise would have the honor of having on their team. The Marlins Had a Diamond in the rough. Not just for the game, but for those who watch the game. He just always seemed to be having a blast when he was p...