My Thoughts on the Future for the Blog

Note:  This article is going to be a bit of a left turn.  I am putting myself out there and getting my thoughts on paper and see what you all think will benefit this blog.  Please be patient with this article, I am going to be doing a lot of wrestling with my thoughts as I write.  This is not talking about me quitting, this is talking about a possible change of direction.

Since the school year has started, I have done and will be doing a lot of thinking on what direction I want to go.  Honestly, I have no idea bout what to do.  Lets face it, I have over 1,000 views on this blog, have no followers, 31 hits on all my articles, and 0 comments (which I encourage).  This leads to a decision about what direction I want to go.  I have a couple options.  The thing that all of these entail is a short break (until at least thanksgiving) to do some soul searching and what I want to write about.  These are:

  1. Continue doing what I am doing (writing about anything and everything under the sun focusing mainly on media)
  2. Doing a lot more traveling (more expensive, super fun for me)*
  3. Trying to level the playing field*
  4. Taking a massive left turn focusing mainly on religion
  5. Writing more articles in summer than fall
All of these are good options and each have their own benefits, and disadvantages.  This what this article is going to be about.  It is going to be exploring these options and then will have a poll going a long with it Which I would like EVERYONE that reads this blog to vote on.  It will be located on my left side of the screen

The first option I have to look at is continue doing what I am doing.  I personally like this option because it does not require that many funds, and it explores the areas where I am the most interested in, which are: Movies, Music, and maybe even books in the future.  It is also not really that new to me.

The second option I have to look at is trying to level out the playing field more with doing more traveling.  This is honestly super hard for me because I really do not have that much money, and time.  You see I am working and going to school  right now, and that takes a lot of time that I do not have, but it would be a lot more fun for me to do because I love to travel.  I would also love to get to experience more cultures than I have already in my life too.  It would also get back to the original title of this blog: Movies.Travels.Music365.

The third option that I have that is a possibility is focusing mainly on Religion, and talking about what I believe and why.  If this were to happen, I would need to completely reformat the way the blog looks, and dive more into The Bible (that is something that I need to do more, and I could be held accountable).  Also I would be doing a lot more series than I have in the past.  For instance, the great commission.

The fourth and final option I have is just taking massive breaks during the school year, except for Winter Break (except this year, because of this Europe, and summer).  This would benefit me in a lot of ways because I would be able to focus on school more.

So these are my thoughts. Please vote in the poll that will be closing next month.  Thank you for your time
        -David Picha

~I know i kind of dropped the ball on 9/11, but I would love to send out my thoughts out to the families that were affected by the attacks on the twin towers 15 years ago, but America is stronger because of those events and a lot of stuff has changed because of it

~I will be going to England, and France this coming december so if you live around those parts I would love to meet you

~If you are  a parent of High School students, I urge you guys to have the kids come on out to the TIU 360 Leadership Conference at Trinity International University in Deerfield, IL.  It is a great time and really good for up and coming leaders.

~Please Follow me on twitter (@davidpicha242), Instagram (@dpicha242_), and like the page on Facebook (@moviestravelsmusic).  Please feel free to comment and Follow this blog as well, even though there will be a lack of content for a while.

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