Another one
My journal entry from earlier today. May 18, 2018 | 1:28 pm Well, the unthinkable happened again today. At 10:00 am (ish) Another kid opened fire on another school. 8 dead, who knows how many injured. Like why? I heard the kid was 16. Like what causes this nonsense. It's a mad world out there I guess. The thing that scares me the most about this is the fact that I am feeling practically nothing. I mean I am sad and angry I guess. Those two feelings are just Surrounding me in numbness. Is this what America has come to. Being numb to a Tragedy like this? This really should not be the case. I am pretty sure that bt 3:00 the initial shock is going to be over, and then people are going to start pushing politics on it. (See my tweet from earlier today). Heck Donald Trump shared his thoughts on it, so people are probably going to start twisting his words. Who knows how many people ...