On Parkland
I am not a preacher, Political analyst or anything of that nature. I started this article on twitter, but I had too much to say in tweets, so I decided to move to the only thing I know how to do: Write about it. If you are worried that this is going to turn political, that is not going to happen. The first thing that I am going to say may seem like it, more like it is, but after that, it will not be I promise. This is going to be shared from a Christian perspective, so if anything I say offends you, get over it and just hear what I have to say. I know that it is hard in these times but bear with me. This is going to be raw so bear with me. _____________________________________ Luke 23: 34 And Jesus said, "Father forgive them, for they do not know what they do." (ESV) At times like these, my mind instantly turns to Luke 23: 34, which is stated above. Just to give you all a little bit of context, this is taking place as Jesus is on t...