Wavelength Series Preview

"Let's go, Jake! We have to pack! What's taking so long?"

"I'm working on it!" I called back, rushing around trying to pack several sweatshirts into my suitcase. 

"It's 10:00 for Pete's sake! We are leaving to get to the airport in 12 hours!"

"I'm almost finished! Just let me find my journal and the book I'm reading"

"Journal?  What the hell man! Grow a pair."

I rolled my eyes, knowing that my dad gets like that sometimes and that it was all in love.  "Done!" I replied, reaching for my carry on that we were allowed to have on the plane.  Not only did the bag carry my journal and the book I was reading currently, but it also carried my laptop and phone.  I was also setting my wallet on my nightstand next to my bed.  I carried my stuff into the entryway and set it down.  After that, I went to my room and went to bed.

The next morning I got up with plenty of time to spare.  I showered, ate breakfast, and checked my bag to make sure I had everything.  It turns out, I had everything but earbuds, and I grabbed a pair quickly and set them in my bag.  Our ride arrived an hour later.  We then packed our Baggage into the back of the car and we left.

A couple of hours later we arrived at the airport.  We made it through security easily and started towards the terminal.  Once we arrived at the terminal, we waited for an extended period of time, and during this time I made notice of this kid.  From what I could tell, he seemed really nice and had a charisma about him from the way that he walked and interacted with who I could only assume was his father or grandfather, but I couldn't quite put my finger on why. I quickly glanced down to avoid the rush of empathy that occurs when I make eye contact with people because that gets kind of exhausting.

We all boarded the plane and took off heading towards our destination, which was downtown Milwaukee.  We took off from Orlando so it took a good couple of hours to get to Wisconsin.  From the airport, we were still to drive for a while yet because we were headed further north.   

After we arrived in Milwaukee we were waiting for a couple of hours for our checked bags to arrive at the baggage claim.  During this time I was people watching as I usually do,  but while I was looking around the baggage claim I was looking down every once in awhile to make sure that I did not have any of my moments that occur when I make eye contact with people.  I was being super careful about it until that kid and I locked eyes.  Crap!  I thought to myself, bracing for what was about to happen, but what happened was beyond what I expected.

All of the sudden I saw this flicker of light in his eye, and I prepared.  It could just be the lights inside the airport I encouraged myself, but it turns out it was way more than that.  All of the sudden I felt myself spinning, and then I came to a halt inside of his mind.  I stood there for a second, and then I felt myself spinning again, and before I knew it, I was standing inside of the baggage claim again.  The kid smirked or smiled mischievously and then got back to what he was doing.  I shook my head to reorganize my thoughts.  I plugged in my music and closed my eyes and explored inside of my own mind to try and make sense of everything that just happened.  A few minutes passed, and I opened my eyes to see the kid jogging to see if there were any chairs available while we were waiting for our baggage.  From what I could make out, he had no luck, he went back to his father or grandpa, and without looking I could tell that he was disappointed.  

I went back to thinking because I knew I had the strength of empathy, but it had never been this strong except for maybe once or twice, but I never dug to find out more.  I was literally just inside of someone's mind, and I thought to myself I have to figure out why, how, and if I could do even more than what had just occurred.  

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